Filipi Pires

Filipi Pires

Security Advocate & Security Researcher at Zup Innovation

I’ve been working Principal Security Engineer and Security Researcher at Zup Innovation and Security Researcher and Instructor at Hacker Security… I’m Hacking is NOT crime Advocate… I’m part of the Staff team of DEFCON Group São Paulo-Brazil, Internacional Speakers in Security and New technologies events in many countries such as US, Canada, Germany, Poland and others, I’ve been served as University Professor in graduation and MBA courses at colleges as FIAP / Mackenzie / UNIBTA and UNICIV, in addition, I’m Founder and Instructor of the Course Malware Attack Types with Kill Chain Methodology (PentestMagazine) and Malware Analysis - Fundamentals (HackerSec Company).

Presentation Abstract

Effects Malware Hunting in Cloud Environment

During this presentation, I’ll demonstrate the risks that a PDF can bring to your Cloud environment if it’s exploited by malware, I’ll be explaining how each session works within a binary, and explain how cyber attackers are using different techniques, like packers, obfuscation with JavaScript (PDF), demonstrating how these malware works and where it would be possible to locate the malicious code.

At the end of this conversation, it will be clear to everyone how Dev/ Research should look better at their cloud environment, in addition to providing clear guidance on how people can seek more basic knowledge, with file structures, software architecture and language.